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Find scanners for precise, non-destructive structural analysis and detecting hidden objects, and concrete sensors for accurate concrete information in real time

3 Products

PS 85 Wall scanner
Easy-to-use wall scanner and stud finder for hit prevention when drilling or cutting near embedded objects
Max. detection depth for object localization
200 mm
Localisation accuracy
5to 10 mm (+/-) mm
Minimum distance between two neighbouring objects
40 mm
PX 10 Transpointer
Precise transpointer to detect entry and exit points, as well as the distance between them
Operating temperature range
-20 - 55 °C
Maximum operating time
17 h
Working temperature range
-20 - 55 °C


PS 1000 X-Scan Concrete scanner
Efficient concrete scanner for structural analysis and to locate embedded objects in multiple layers
Max. detection depth for object localization
300 mm
Accuracy of depth indication
<100 mm: ±10 mm;>100 mm: ±15 %
Localisation accuracy
±10 mm
               Unique measuring performance. Hilti Pulse Power works with up to 1 million impulses per second, allowing for highly reliable readings even under the most difficult conditions.