Solutions for substations
Reliable anchoring and support structures for your projects
From anchoring solutions for transformers and heavy equipment to installing supports for high-voltage cables, we offer rigorously tested, reliable systems used in substation projects globally. Engineered total solutions range from cable transit modules to fastening of equipment —all designed to accelerate your project timelines and increase cost efficiency. Prefabricated assembly of electrical supports and multi-discipline supports for HVAC, cabling and pipes – or complete, integrated floor systems – currently help projects across the world achieve operational excellence more quickly.

High-voltage cable supports
Safer, more flexible cable routing to help reduce risk of short circuits
The daily operation of electrical substations requires the safe transit of thousands of high-voltage cables. The greatest risk is a short-circuit, which can lead to major damage and shutdowns. Welded supports are a time-consuming and expensive method of routing cables, while using them makes it difficult to avoid sharp bends. By contrast, our modular high-voltage cable supports and cable cleats deliver flexible, safer cable routing that can be more easily modified when you need to change cable configuration. In addition, these solutions allow for easy visual inspection, meaning you can spot potential issues before they become a major problem.

Raised floor systems
Route your cables via a single, integrated and flexible structure
Floating floors are commonly used in substations as a smart way to route cables. Traditionally, these are created using a complex combination of panel stands, electrical cable tray supports and floating floor units. Onerous to install, requiring additional scaffolding and hard to modify, these systems usually leave only narrow space for cables. We help solves these issues with fully integrated floor systems that comprise a single, combined structure. Lightweight yet strong, these integrated solutions allow you to route cables with ease, as well as change layouts to accommodate last-minute modifications and adjustments.

HVAC duct supports
A weld-free, labor-saving solution that helps minimize re-work
As substations are built, extended or modified, HVAC ducts need to be planned and installed efficiently. Welded HVAC duct supports are robust, but heavy and it takes a lot of labor to install them. Worse, they are difficult to modify once in place. We take an innovative approach to duct routing with modular HVAC duct supports that are flexible and easily installed, using anchors that can be put in place by just one worker. Because no welding is required, minimal re-work is required after installation.

Cable tray and ladder supports
Route your wiring, HVAC and piping systems together
Heavy-load cable trays and waterfall supports are just two examples of slow, hard-to-modify methods of routing cables. We have created a flexible alternative. Our MI, MQ and MT systems also allow you to integrate the routing of multiple systems, including wiring, HVAC and piping. Thanks to their modular design, you can easily make configuration changes at the last minute. Compliant design is also covered thanks to PROFIS software with 3D modeling plugins, allowing you to design robust cable tray and cable ladder systems with the correct type approvals.

Fastening equipment to concrete
Reliable solutions for mechanical and chemical anchoring
Fastening equipment to concrete at substations can be complex. Requirements change, so rebar isn’t usually a viable option. In addition, equipment may have to be installed to cracked concrete, in awkward places or in harsh environments. We help you solve these challenges with a broad range of mechanical and chemical post-installed anchors, all with type approvals for fastening to concrete in different situations. Our tools make anchor layout and installation fast and simple, while PROFIS anchor software help you select the right solution for any application requiring you to fasten equipment using post-installed anchors.

Passive fire protection
Type-approved firestopping for all your key applications
Passive fire protection is a critical priority in the substation environment. Any outbreak of fire needs to be contained in as small an area as possible – for as long as possible. While traditional mortar board and grout firestopping can be effective for through-penetrations, it is messy and slow to install. Our high-performing range of passive firestopping products helps makes firestopping quicker and more robust. This includes firestop sleeves, collars and bandages, plus cast-in devices and cavity barriers. Firestop Documentation Manager software makes it simple to design and select type-approved firestopping for your specific applications.
Energy and industry project solutions
From mining to onshore oil and gas to shipbuilding, bring down the total costs of your asset over its entire life cycle with end-to-end project solutions that combine software, hardware and services.
Protect your teams
To help you reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on your jobsites, we invest heavily in safety technologies – whether it's tool-based dust control solutions, training, or systems for tracking worker certication.
Explore safety solutionsControl tool costs
Simplify your financial planning and administration with our fleet management service. Pay a fixed monthly fee for all your tools including their use, service and repair costs. Say goodbye to hidden costs.
Explore Tool Fleet management